NSW PWC Licence Quiz 2
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Question 1 |
When can a person from 12 to under 16 years of age operate a Personal Watercraft at a speed of 10 to 20 knots?
A | When they hold a current Personal Watercraft Driving Licence and are unaccompanied |
B | When they hold a current General Boat Driving Licence and are accompanied by an adult |
C | When they are accompanied by a Personal Watercraft Driving Licence holder aged under 16 |
D | When they hold a current Personal Watercraft Driving Licence and are accompanied by a Personal Watercraft Driving Licence holder who is 16 years of age or older
Question 2 |
The MINIMUM distance a Personal Watercraft driver travelling at any speed MUST keep from a person in the water in a non-designated surf zone or swimming area is:
A | 100 metres |
B | 60 metres |
C | 30 metres |
D | 10 metres |
Question 3 |
Which of the following activities is classed as ‘irregular driving’ for Personal Watercraft users?
A | Driving in a circle or other pattern |
B | Weaving or diverting |
C | Surfing or jumping any swell, wave or wash |
D | All of the above |
Question 4 |
The minimum distance that a Personal Watercraft being driven at 6 knots or more MUST keep from a non- motorised craft (such as a canoe, rowing shell, kayak, sailing dinghy, etc.) is:
A | 100 metres |
B | 60 metres |
C | 30 metres |
D | 10 metres |
Question 5 |
In which of the following areas are Personal Watercraft not permitted to operate?
A | Sydney Harbour, including the waters of all tidal bays, rivers and their tributaries (includes the Parramatta River, Middle Harbour and Lane Cove River) |
B | Any area with a signposted speed restriction |
C | Anywhere where signs indicate Personal Watercraft are prohibited |
D | A and C |
Question 6 |
You are about to alter course at speed. To do so safely you should:
A | Look for other vessels before changing direction |
B | Maintain throttle to steer the Personal Watercraft effectively |
C | Give an appropriate hand signal
D | A and B
Question 7 |
Which of the following meets the requirements for a lifejacket worn by Personal Watercraft riders in open (offshore) waters?
A | A lifejacket Level 100+ (formerly Type 1) or Level 50 (formerly Type 2) or Level 50S (formerly Type 3) |
B | A lifejacket Level 50S (formerly Type 3)
C | A wetsuit |
D | An inflatable lifejacket Level 50S (formerly Type 3) |
Question 8 |
Where is the Personal Watercraft restriction zone?
A | Within 200 metres of a riverbank or shore in a zone from Newcastle to Wollongong, including coastal waters |
B | On waters between Port Hacking, Wamberal (near Gosford) and the Blue Mountains, not including waters off the coast |
C | Within 100 metres of a riverbank or shore on all navigable waters within the Sydney metropolitan area |
D | On all NSW navigable waters near towns and cities
Question 9 |
Which statement is true when it comes to continuous driving of a Personal Watercraft close to residential, picnic or recreation areas?
A | Noise annoys – penalties can apply |
B | It is not a problem because people on the shore areas are not in any danger
C | There is no law against riding continuously around in front of such areas
D | What happens on the water has nothing to do with people on the shore |
Question 10 |
The Personal Watercraft Behaviour Label on a Personal Watercraft must be affixed:
A | Near the controls where it can be clearly seen by the driver |
B | On the port side near the registration numbers
C | On the stern of the craft so people remounting from the water can see it
D | Anywhere on the craft
Question 11 |
When is ‘irregular driving’ on navigable waters in front of dwellings allowed?
A | When 150 metres from the shore
B | Never |
C | When 200 metres or more from the shore |
D | Between sunrise and sunset |
Question 12 |
The MINIMUM distance which a Personal Watercraft driver MUST keep from the sides of a designated swimming area is:
A | Variable. Depends on the conditions and whether there are any swimmers present
B | 10 metres |
C | 30 metres |
D | 60 metres |
Question 13 |
When is it permitted to operate a Personal Watercraft between sunset and sunrise in NSW?
A | Never – it is against the law to drive a Personal Watercraft between sunset and sunrise
B | When displaying appropriate navigation lights |
C | When travelling in a straight line within 200 metres of the shoreline |
D | When travelling at a speed of less than 10 knots |
Question 14 |
When must the driver of a Personal Watercraft hold a current Personal Watercraft Driving Licence?
A | When travelling at less than 10 knots |
B | When travelling at more than 10 knots |
C | When accompanied by the holder of a General Boat Driving Licence |
D | All of the above |
Question 15 |
What are some of the restrictions that apply to Personal Watercraft when towing a water-skier or aquaplaner on navigable waters?
A | Must have a suitable observer |
B | Must remain 60 metres from any person in the water |
C | Must remain at least 50 metres from any other motorised craft not engaged in towing activities |
D | A and B |
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