NSW Boat Licence Quiz 1
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Question 1 |
The responsibility of the master (driver) of a vessel is to:
A | Maintain a proper lookout and avoid collision |
B | Ensure the safety of those on board the vessel |
C | Ensure that all safety equipment is accessible and stored on board correctly
D | All of the above |
Question 2 |
Where should you drive a vessel when in a channel?
A | On the port (left-hand) side |
B | In the middle of the channel |
C | On the starboard (right-hand) side |
D | On any side – it does not matter as long as a collision does not occur |
Question 3 |
What is the MAXIMUM permissible blood alcohol level for a person 18 years of age or more when driving a vessel in NSW?
A | Under 0.08
B | Under 0.02 |
C | Under 0.05
D | Nil |
Question 4 |
What best describes a skipper’s (driver’s) responsibility regarding speed on the water?
A | Travelling at a speed the hull is designed to reach |
B | Travelling at a speed at which sudden danger can be avoided
C | Travelling at a speed for the best comfort of passengers and fuel efficiency |
D | Travelling at any speed unless signposted otherwise |
Question 5 |
When driving a vessel at 6 knots or more, or towing a person, what is the MINIMUM distance both the vessel and any
towed person MUST keep from power-driven vessels, land or structures?
A | 30 metres or, if not possible, a safe distance |
B | 60 metres or, if not possible, a safe distance |
C | 100 metres or, if not possible, a safe distance |
D | It doesn’t matter as long as you navigate with care |
Question 6 |
What type of lifejacket MUST be worn when boating alone in a power vessel under 4.8 metres on enclosed waters?
A | No lifejacket is required when boating alone in this situation |
B | Only a Level 100+ (formerly Type 1) lifejacket is suitable in this situation |
C | Not necessary to wear the lifejacket as long as there is one in good condition and accessible if the need arises |
D | Any approved lifejacket of Level 50S (formerly Type 3) or higher |
Question 7 |
When travelling DOWNSTREAM (toward the sea) on which side should you keep this type of navigation mark to stay in the channel?

A | Your port (left-hand) side
B | Your starboard (right-hand) side |
C | Either side (it does not matter) |
D | Stay in the middle of the channel regardless of the mark |
Question 8 |
In what circumstances MUST a child under 12 years of age wear a lifejacket?
A | At all times on a vessel under 4.8 metres
B | When being towed on any apparatus |
C | When in an open area of a vessel less than 8 metres underway
D | All of the above |
Question 9 |
In what circumstances MUST a person on a vessel under
4.8 metres wear a lifejacket?
A | After sunset and before sunrise |
B | On open and alpine waters
C | When boating alone |
D | All of the above |
Question 10 |
When travelling DOWNSTREAM (toward the sea), on which side of your vessel should you keep this red marker?

A | On the port (left-hand) side |
B | On the starboard (right-hand) side |
C | On either side – it doesn’t matter |
D | Stay in the middle of the channel regardless of the mark |
Question 11 |
When travelling UPSTREAM (away from the sea), on which side should you keep a flashing green light to stay within the channel?

A | Your port (left-hand) side |
B | Your starboard (right-hand) side |
C | Either side (it does not matter)
D | Stay in the middle of the channel regardless of the marker |
Question 12 |
You are driving a power boat at night and you see a vessel off your port bow (in front of you, to your left). Who should give way?
A | The other vessel |
B | The vessel that you are driving |
C | The driver of the slower vessel |
D | The driver of the smaller vessel |
Question 13 |
You are driving a power-driven vessel and see a vessel ahead of you exhibiting these lights. What should you do?

A | Alter your course to starboard (right) |
B | Alter your course to port (left)
C | Maintain your speed and course |
D | Stop immediately and turn off all lights |
Question 14 |
You are driving this vessel between sunset and sunrise. What navigation lights MUST be displayed?

A | Red and green sidelights plus an unobstructed all-round white light or white masthead light and white stern light)
B | Red and green sidelights only
C | A white masthead light only |
D | No lights are required |
Question 15 |
A vessel showing these lights is seen ahead. It is a:

A | Power-driven vessel more than 5 metres in length
B | Sailing vessel under sail |
C | Trawler |
D | Ferry in chains |
Question 16 |

A | Maximum speed of 4 knots is required until signposted otherwise
B | Powered vessels are prohibited in this area at all times
C | Travel at a speed which minimises the wash created, to ensure the wash does not cause a nuisance, annoyance or danger
D | Water-skiing prohibited in the area at all times |
Question 17 |
When do sailing vessels, operating only under sail, have right of way over a power-driven vessel under way?
A | At all times, unless the sailing vessel is overtaking or if the power vessel is displaying an orange diamond
B | Only when approaching from the starboard (right-hand) side in a narrow channel |
C | Only when participating in an official aquatic event such as a race or regatta, where there are official race marks in place |
D | When a powerboat is at anchor |
Question 18 |
When is the MOST DANGEROUS time to cross a coastal bar?
A | On an incoming tide (flood tide)
B | On an outgoing tide (ebb tide) |
C | Slack water (top or bottom of the tide) |
D | All of the above |
Question 19 |
The maximum number of people permitted to be towed behind a vessel is:
A | Five people
B | Whatever the apparatus manufacturer states is permissible |
C | Three people |
D | Whatever the vessel’s skipper (driver) thinks is safe |
Question 20 |
What navigation mark is this?

A | An isolated danger mark |
B | A channel blocked mark |
C | A special mark |
D | A port lateral mark |
Question 21 |
Where should safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers
and emergency signalling devices
e.g. flares, Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon
(EPIRB), be stored?
A | In a readily accessible and protected position |
B | Locked and secure under a bunk |
C | As far away as possible from passengers who might accidentally damage them |
D | In a box kept secure in a locked compartment |
Question 22 |
Who should be encouraged to wear a lifejacket at all times?
A | Children (even when not mandatory to wear lifejackets)
B | Elderly people and poor swimmers |
C | People with medical conditions (e.g. heart or breathing problems)
D | All of the above
Question 23 |
What should you do to ensure your boat’s wash does NOT excessively impact on other vessels or the foreshore?
A | Always travel at 8 knots |
B | Constantly observe and consider the effects of your wash |
C | Always travel at the speed shown on speed restriction signs |
D | Travel as close to other vessels or the shore as possible
Question 24 |
What dangers can exist when boating on inland waters?
A | Submerged hazards in murky waters
B | Strong currents |
C | Cold water |
D | All of the above |
Question 25 |
Who can service an inflatable lifejacket?
A | Anyone |
B | The manufacturer or their authorised service agent |
C | Anyone, but only if the manufacturer provides self-servicing instructions
D | Both B and C
Question 26 |
‘Bow riding’ is illegal and dangerous. What is it?
A | Sitting with legs over the gunwale (edge) of a moving powerboat
B | Sitting on the bow of a moving powerboat where a person is at risk of falling overboard |
C | Dangling arms over the gunwale (edge) of a moving powerboat
D | All the above |
Question 27 |
What is the main purpose of navigation lights on a boat?
A | To light up the waterway ahead like the headlights of a car |
B | To allow the crew to see what they are doing on board |
C | To help rescue or emergency response craft find you at night
D | To indicate a vessel’s position to other vessels |
Question 28 |
At night, a vessel at anchor MUST display:
A | Sidelights
B | Masthead light forward |
C | All-round white light |
D | No lights are required |
Question 29 |
You are driving a vessel at speed and your vision is suddenly affected by glare from the sun. Your immediate reaction should be:
A | Slow down or stop
B | Continue driving at speed in anticipation that you will regain your vision
C | Increase speed and manoeuvre vessel to find a direction to minimise spray and the effect of the sun |
D | Immediately turn sharply away from the sun
Question 30 |
What factors influence the way a boat handles at sea?
A | The vessel’s hull design and the amount of power used to propel it
B | Wave direction and the way a boat is steered |
C | The load (including people) carried on board
D | All the above |
Question 31 |
When returning over a coastal bar or travelling with a large ‘following sea’ offshore, the SAFEST option is to:
A | Maintain a position behind a wave, but not too close |
B | Maintain a position just in front of a wave |
C | Proceed at speed through the waves |
D | Maintain a position on top of a wave |
Question 32 |
What is the responsibility of the observer on board a vessel towing water-skiers or aquaplaners?
A | To signal to skiers when they get too close to the shore |
B | To keep a lookout for dangers ahead only when towing |
C | To inform the driver about other vessels approaching from ahead
D | To watch the towed people and report all matters affecting the tow to the driver
Question 33 |
When is it appropriate to dispose of rubbish overboard?
A | Never – all rubbish should be appropriately disposed of ashore |
B | Only if it consists of biodegradable food scraps |
C | Only when the rubbish is heavy enough to sink to the sea bed |
D | At any time when operating in open waters |
Question 34 |
For environmental reasons, where should you avoid driving your boat?
A | Deep, wide river channels
B | Shallow areas, which contain seagrasses |
C | Boundaries between murky and clear water |
D | Bar crossings |
Question 35 |
What type of lifejacket MUST you wear on a powerboat less than 4.8 metres in OPEN water?
A | Lifejacket Level 100+ (formerly Type 1) as a minimum for each person on board
B | Either lifejacket Level 100 (formerly Type 1) or lifejacket Level 50 (formerly Type 2) for each person on board |
C | Any type of lifejacket as long as there is one for each person on board
D | Any mixture of lifejacket Levels 100 (formerly Type 1), 50 (formerly Type 2) and 50S (formerly Type 3), or a wetsuit as long as there is one for each person on board |
Question 36 |
When is it COMPULSORY to carry an EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon)?
A | When crossing a coastal bar |
B | When operating a vessel less than 5 metres in length on enclosed waters
C | At all times |
D | When operating a vessel 2 or more nautical miles off the coast
Question 37 |
You hear a ‘mayday’ call on the radio. Your first response
should be to:
A | Monitor the radio. If a shore station fails to respond, attempt to relay the message |
B | Render assistance immediately |
C | Ignore the message. Emergency services will respond |
D | Activate your Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
Question 38 |
When is a reduction in the number of maximum persons shown on a Safety Label recommended?
A | Only when boating in poor weather conditions |
B | Only when operating a commercial vessel |
C | When there are children on board |
D | When boating in poor weather conditions or when operating on open waters |
Question 39 |
What should you do when approaching a much larger vessel in a channel?
A | Signal to the larger vessel that you are holding your course |
B | Keep well clear and, if necessary, pass astern at a safe distance
C | Increase speed and cross close in front of the larger vessel |
D | Hold your course and let the larger vessel take any necessary avoiding action |
Question 40 |
From what minimum speed must a skipper (driver) keep at least 30 metres from another vessel?
A | 10 knots
B | 8 knots
C | 6 knots |
D | 4 knots |
Question 41 |
When happens when an engine kill switch is activated?
A | A distress signal is activated |
B | The driver's lifejacket is automatically inflated
C | The vessel maintains its current speed and course |
D | The engine shuts down and the vessel stops
Question 42 |
What does a ‘dive flag’ look like?
A | White and blue flag with swallow tail |
B | Red and white flag |
C | Yellow with black dot flag
D | Blue with centred white square |
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